Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jack is 5 weeks old & gets baptized

So Jack got baptized at Holy Family church. Misha and I are so grateful to his new godparents and all friends and family who were present and others who sent their love. We are so grateful to be parents and to have such an amazing support team. Jack is definitely a lucky baby boy. The weekend was absolutely perfect.
Jack is now 5 weeks old and is getting bigger and cuter everyday. I am still in awe at what a miracle he is. Misha and I find ourselves just looking at him and watching him. He is now awake so much during the day just observing the world and people around him. He makes so many sounds. Jack is practicing his smile and has started to stare at faces. He is starting to show us his personality. He is the most laid back and well behaved baby ever. Misha and I are both back to work, and working on getting a schedule down. Jack is sleeping from about 10 pm to 3am and then back to sleep til about 7 so we are very grateful for that. He likes his sleep but definitely likes his food too- he is a growing boy.
Again, thanks to everyone!! We love yall!
Jack working on his smile, or he just had gas :)

Our lil family after Jack was baptized.

He stayed sound asleep even with cold water being poured on his head, good job baby Jack.

Anointing with oil. Godparents Michelle and Curt.

Mom enjoying a tasty cocktail on saturday evening with the family. Life is well......perfect :)

1 comment:

Ashley Perry said...

Thank You for sharing these beautiful pictures and an update! Congrats baby Jack!